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[免费][FSX] FS Dreamscapes - NEXTMap ProMesh United Kingdom 英国4.75米地形

3ha088 发表于 2010-8-23 21:54:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  插件名称:NEXTMap ProMesh United Kingdom


  发布公司:FS Dreamscapes

  插件大小:1.08 GB




  支持平台:[FSX] [SE] 

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- 5m NEXTMap based horizontal elevation spacing 1 U: P% g% p% p+ P+ A% j$ E
- 56 times more detailed than the default terrain mesh in Flight Simulator X
# Z- ^! b* D* z& T) D& h$ X- 6 times higher resolution than the default terrain mesh in Flight Simulator X % F5 V6 b" L# N9 _5 b3 B* Z7 A& U
- 32-bit source data that translates into much higher vertical resolution in the dataset. 32-bit data compilation also reduces the striping and banding issues seen in other 16-bit terrain mesh renderings8 `$ Y& E  d0 y8 k  i
- Fractional elevation sampling provides samplings to fractions of a meter vertically (e.g., 10.25m, 10.75m) compared to freeware mesh with only whole number samplings (e.g., 10m, 11m), which means smoother terrain on the ground and even smoother landings
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2 {: A& \+ u; I, N8 y
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